Sunday, January 27, 2013

Post-It Notes

I love Post-Its. I need Post-Its. Post-Its are my friends. Without them, I would forget the things I need to remember. They brighten my day with their bright and cheerful colors, and are so easy to stick on the nearest wall, counter, or fridge! They are a tool to help me remember the "important things" in my life: play date tomorrow at 9 am, pick up more broccoli, milk and toothpaste, wrap birthday gift, vacuum the van, finish reading the Bible. And of course, they come in handy for love notes to the hubby (or apology notes- what have you), uplifting my 4 year old, teaching colors to my daughter, labeling leftovers, or jotting down song lyrics. When the stack dwindles down to the last one that is stuck to that brown backing, I am sad, and then must resort to searching for random scratch paper from the kitchen junk drawer...and that is shady business. Then I have to find the scotch tape.

Life is just better with Post-Its. Reminders. They help keep my life in order; in check of those all important things. But what exactly are those "important things" in my life? And why do I need so many reminders for them, if they are indeed the top of the totem pole?
I find myself striving so hard each day to encourage, love, and serve the people in my life, that sometimes the real meaning and importance is lost in translation. Cleaning the house pleases my husband, but am I willing to sacrifice that sweet, quality playtime with my kids so that that last load of laundry can be done?...

God provides His goodness to us whether or not we are aware of it. He pours out his love every second of every day. He wants us to know, feel, see, hear, touch, experience Him wherever we are- however busy we are. Even though we have those days where we are too busy, too sick, too tired, too crabby, to proud, too overwhelmed to acknowledge Him, He still claims us. And not only does He claim us, but He lavishes us with His grace, His love, His forgiveness.

He desires for us to be aware of the "important" things in life. Folks, the important things in life should ALWAYS point back to Him. The things that we invest our time, thoughts, concern, energy, our money, should honor Him and bring others to Him through us.

His REMINDERS are everywhere. If you looked in the mirror, you would see one staring right back at you. You, my friend, are a living, breathing REMINDER of the unique design, creativity, love of the Ultimate Designer and Heavenly Father! Yes, some days (let's be real...many days) we don't feel like accepting the truth of what we are: Forgiven, Beloved, Blessed, Loved. His Post-Its are in the faces of your children, the sweet embrace of your spouse, the worship service you entered into His presence last weekend, the answered prayer after months of waiting, the scripture you just happened to read at exactly the right time. He knows your every fiber, desire, fear, dream. He sends us His Post-Its throughout our day. Make sure you are looking for HIS messages to you!

Lamentations 3:21-23 says this:
"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

Friends, don't forget the things you need to remember. Be blessed and encouraged as you are REMINDED of God's presence, goodness, and compassions for YOU! Look around, and let Him remind you of how LOVED YOU ARE and how FAITHFUL HE IS!



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