Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Today's "If Only's"

Have you ever watched someone do something amazing and think, "Wow, if only I could do that?" Or, "if only we made a little more money each month, then..." Or "if only I had some more time like she has..." Or for us ladies, ever looked at a woman about half your size (and twice as toned), and thought, "if only I could be a little thinner, then..." whatever your dream may be. Even though I don't want to admit it, I find myself doing this (to some extent) on a daily basis. Comparing myself to other musicians, wives, moms, Christians, teachers, friends, and questioning my abilities, value and purpose. Don't get me wrong, it is great to daydream and have hopes for your future! But when the "if only's" are sprung by negative thoughts and comparisons, we should examine our train of thought. With moms, I compare how many activities they are doing with their kids, where they take them on trips, what food they feed them. This naturally leads my mind to comparing my kids to their kids!...not good. 

This is a road I don't want to go down. Each day, I want to make a conscious effort of surrendering to my Father- all my thoughts, all my fears, all my insecurities. After all, He knows my every thought. Even our thoughts should glorify Him. Are the thoughts we are having consistent with the character of God? If not, those thoughts are not of God, and the enemy is trying to disrupt our minds and hearts, causing fear and doubt. I don't know about you, but I don't want my day to be controlled by fear! What I desire is to give my day to the One who is the very Source of Life- directing and guiding me, my actions, words, and thoughts, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

2 Timothy 1:7 reminds us, "For God did not give us a Spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind." What a conquering verse! Makes me want to hold up my arms and flex! The fact is, where we are right now, is where God has us. For some of us, we are comfortable and happy there, for others, we are in another place that is dark and painful. The "if only's" just get in the way of our trust for the One who gives us our identity. Even if they have a bigger house, have kids who seem to be more behaved than yours, weigh 30 lbs less than you, have a masters degree, etc., God has something beautiful for YOU, right here. Rest in the assurance of his presence and grace, and be blessed! When I wake up tomorrow, I want to remember that His mercies are made new each morning! I will ask God to show me the beauty He sees in me today.

Friends, be encouraged that God embraces every part of us- broken, confused, angry, disorganized, lazy, chubby and all! He rejoices when his children come seeking Him and his help. His power is made perfect in our weakness- did you hear that!? In our weakness, HE can shine brightest. How is that possible? When were are most depressed, tired, upset, etc. and come to him- giving it all to him, He takes it and makes something beautiful. He sees we trust him in that moment, season, time in our lives.

The next time your mind is tempted to think "If only...", and you question your value or purpose, remember and be encouraged that each day, God gives us a spirit of power, love, and of sound mind, to overcome those doubts and potential fears. Be blessed today!

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