Thursday, August 8, 2013


I hear it about 200 times a day…her little voice screaming, “ME DO IT!” My little princess looking straight at me while pushing my hand away, refusing my help and declaring her mission to remove her shoes, dress her doll, brush her teeth, position her blanket, put Max and Ruby DVD into the player; you get the idea. Bless her heart, she is approaching 3 years of age, so her need for independence grows daily. I often watch her and giggle at her diligence. She is so convinced that she can do anything without my help…until she realizes that she CAN'T do it. She gets frustrated and is soon screaming a different tune: “Mommy, Daddy, HELP!”

Can anyone relate to my toddler? How many times a week, day, hour, do we do that? Diligently living life, doing things our way, shouting “ME DO IT,” when all the while, our kind and gracious Father is reaching out his hand of mercy and grace. Once we’ve pushed his hand away, and our way completely fails, we find ourselves on the floor shouting…“Daddy, HELP!”

Philippians 4:13 rings in my head, “I can do all things…” This is when I need to move past the “ME DO IT!” and remember there is a second part to this verse, “…through Christ who strengthens me.”

Those times when I wonder why my daughter doesn’t just let me help her, I know that I have to watch her fail in order for her to come to me. Then she can ask for my help; and she will always get it. Satisfied, she looks up at me with a smile so big, it melts me.
How much more will our Heavenly Father do that for us? He knows what is best for us!

Isaiah 55:9,
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
I have a sweet reminder for you today: He wants you to come to Him! Bring all your junk, fear, pride, and leave it at his feet. He will meet you there. He promises to.
Next time you want to shout “ME DO IT!” Save yourself the frustration, and ask for his help right away. Give him your challenge, big or little. He can handle it…and with far more grace than we could ever muster up!

I will leave you with this sweet song,“Come to Me.”
am the Lord your God
I go before you now
I stand beside you, I am all around you
Though you feel I am far away
I am closer than your breath
I am with you more than you know
Come to me, I am all you need
Come to me, I am your everything
Isaiah 41:10 “Do not fear, I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you, and help you, and uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

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